Bollywood films are fast gaining popularity down under and this was experienced by actress Sanya Malhotra who attended the premiere of ‘Mrs’ at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. She received a standing ovation for her performance in the film MRS, which is directed by Arati Kadav. A video featured Sanya getting emotional as audiences stood up and applauded the…
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After making a mark at almost 2 dozen international film festivals and winning awards in Los Angeles, Ouray Int Film Fest and the New York Indian film fest, Ajitpal Singh’s FIRE IN THE MOUNTAINS has been selected as the best Indie film at IIFM (Australia). Apart from being the Closing Film, the film was also nominated in three categories- Best…
Read MoreFilm lovers across Australia have enthusiastically embraces this year’s online presentation of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne – IIFM that ends this Friday the 30th of October. IFFM announced the Malayalam language film MOOTHON (The Elder One) as the closing night film which will be available to stream online for its registered delegates from 6pm till midnight of 30th…
Read MoreSonam Kapoor wins Best Actress at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne ! With the industry and critics raving about Sonam Kapoor’s performance in Neerja, the star has catapulted her way to the top. From being the first big league actress to bravely taking on women-lead driven films, to being a social media marketing sensation, Sonam Kapoor has truly been a…
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