The young and pretty actress of B-town, Shraddha Kapoor, who rose to popularity with her film Aashiqui 2, attended Sabyasachi’s show at the Lakme Fashion Week. The actress showed her presence at the event to show her support for the designer. Shraddha Kapoor looked gorgeous in the saree that she was donning which was also designed by the designer. On…
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This romantic musical drama Aashiqui 2 is a sequel to the 1990 blockbuster – Aashiqui. Directed by Mohit Suri there is no continuity or resemblance to the 1990 film.
Aditya Roy Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor play the roles of Rahul and Arohi respectively. They have a common passion, it is their love for music. The film also explores the ups and downs of their romantic relationship, which grind through twists and turns, success and failure in their professional and personal lives.
Rahul Jaikar (Aditya) is a popular singer. He is talented, hardworking and successful. He is addicted to alcohol, and this addiction leads to his downfall.
It begins with a spiteful moment of drunken revelry at his concert in Goa, that Rahul leaves his show midway, and in a feeling of low self morale, drowns himself guzzling alcohol. It is late in the night, and he still desires for more alcohol, so he l ....
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