Waves OTT, the newest streaming sensation launched by Prasar Bharati at the International Film Festival in India this November, is continuing to make waves across the nation. With a diverse lineup of films including the latest – director Chandrakant Singh’s Kya Masti Kya Dhoom, other web series, and legacy content, the platform has been delivering exciting new titles that cater…
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We as a country have definitely moved forward in terms of science, technology and development and the changes are visible for all to see. But there is a reality seeped within the hinterlands of the country that isn’t visible to all, but is rampant in many parts, ‘Casteism’, a social evil that India continues to grapple with even today. Guthlee…
Read MoreWith several Bollywood films being announced and beginning to start their work post lockdown, director Raaj Aashoo is one such filmmaker who has now even even completed his upcoming film Kutub Minar in this lockdown with guidelines and rules to be followed in order to take the necessary precautions. KUTUB MINAR the film was shot and completed during this lockdown…
Read MoreAarti Khetarpal plays a significant part in the up and coming Film Kutub Minar and she has just one thing to say about the first day of her shoot with Sanjay Mishra, “I feel humbled to share the frame with my life’s inspiration Sanjay Mishra Sir.” Being one of the few actors who starts shooting for a feature film after…
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NFDC unveils the first look of its latest release, Angrezi Mein Kehte Hain – a delightful love story featuring Sanjay Mishra, Ekavali Khanna and Pankaj Tripathi in lead roles Directed by Harish Vyas, Angrezi Mein Kehte Hain is slated for a Pan-India theatrical release on 18th May 2018 Angrezi Mein Kehte Hain is being presented by NFDC and produced by…
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Every person, irrespective of age and status, is romantic at heart – Muskurahatein Considered as one of the top Radiologists in India, Dr J S Randhawa who also has been training juniors in his field realized one day that apart from professional interests between a Senior doctor and his junior, as is evident in other professions, there is a greater probability…
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