This action-comedy is directed by Rohit Shetty. Bol Bachchan movie review...
After successive hits like Golmal series, All the Best, and very recently Singham which starred Ajay Devgn, Rohit Shetty is back with another action-comedy Bol Bachchan which stars Ajay Devgn,Abhi
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shek Bachchan, Asin Thottumkal, and Prachi Desai in lead roles.
It is based on or to say inspired by the 1979 comic flick, Gol Maal.
Abbas Ali (Abhishek Bachchan) lives in Karol Bagh, New Delhi with his sister Sania(Asin Thottumkal). They are legally fighting for an ancestral property - land case.
But the odds turn against them and they lose. Their well wisher, Shastri Chacha, advises and convinces them to migrate to hichs village Ranakpur where he assures Abbas that he will get him a ....