Directed by Amar Kaushik, the film Stree, released in 2018, a horror-comedy that was loved by the audience, was set in the town of Chanderi where a spirit kidnaps men. Stree 2, the sequel, however, takes the story ahead and starts from the same point where the first film ended. This time, however, the locals living in Chanderi team up with the mysterious character, played by Shraddha Kapoor, as they confront another ghost known as ‘Sarkata’.
Sarkata has the ability to take out its head and wander around, abducting girls who are ‘modern’ or ‘liberated’ in any manner. There is a back-story, connected with Stree. Janaa (Abhishek Banerjee), Bittu (Aparshakti Khurana) and town librarian Rudra (Pankaj Tripathi) return to confront the ghost.
Basically, horror comedy is a challenging genre, and the makers of ‘Stree 2’ have nailed it once again. This sequel retains all the c ....
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Tag: Aparshakti Khurana
The next generation actors Aparshakti Khurrana (Ayushmann Khurrana’s brother) and Pranutan Bahl (Mohnish Bahl’s daughter) surprised the Bollywood press people by gifting them helmets at a promotional event for their upcoming film HELMET that was held in Mumbai. Helmet, starring Aparshakti Khurana, Pranutan Bahl, Abhishek Banerjee and Ashish Verma, is a much-awaited social comedy film which highlights one of the…
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