The film begins with a disclaimer stating that Return of Hanuman is not a sequel to any film made before. This animated film is superb and technically dazzling.
The story begins with a vibrantly and remarkably picturised narrative about how Rahu and Ketu came into existence. Then it shows why man himself is the biggest evil or the impact of pollution leading to global crisis. There is a battle between Gods and the devils. Lord Hanuman requests Narad Muni to convince Lord Brahma to send him to earth. While Lord Brahma is most apprehensive, he eventually takes a softer line, but Lord Hanuman is made to sign a contract, which has several do's and don'ts Return of Hanuman, movie review...
The focus shifts to a small village in present-day India. Our baby Hanuman is rechristened as Maruti, who is now a boy enough to get admitted in school as a mortal so that he can play football with th ....
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Category: Animation
A 3-D Toon Film on the adventures and deeds of Lord Ganesha's childhood. Read on Bal Ganesh review...
Bal Ganesh, directed by Pankaj Sharma is a 3D animated film. The film begins with engrossing and fast-paced story of the child's transformation into Lord Ganesha. Brilliantly illustrated is the confrontation between the young Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva, where, on his mother's (Goddess Parvati) orders, child Ganesha stands guard at the door as she goes for her bath.
He lets no one in, not even his father Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva loses his temper, and even threatens him, but Ganesha doesn't budge.
Lord Shiva unleashes Nandi and his other followers on Ganesha who single-handedly tackles them and even Lord Brahma. Lord Shiva then resorts to his dance of fury - Tandava. The beheading of Lord Ganesha was in presence of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Laxmi. Mother Parvati's upset, and then Lor ....
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Every year, the president pardons one turkey. But why just him? And why just one turkey? Free Birds 3D – Hollywood film review
A 3D animated comedy film that features the voices of Owen Wilson, Woody Harrelson and Amy Poehler.
It is an adventurous journey of Jake, a turkey who is the President of the Turkeys Liberation Front and Reggie, a turkey that is pardoned by the President of the United States. This pair of turkeys travel back in a time machine to the first Thanksgiving (sometime in the 16th century) in a bid to erase the traditional item off the menu. Jake has one point agenda - We are the turkey freedom front. Our Mission: Get turkeys off the thanksgiving menu.
And then there is the sweet Jenny, a turkey and Reggie's love interest with a strange tendency of dropping her eyeball in her nervous moments.
In this hilarious, adventurous buddy comedy for audiences of all ....
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